SCHEDULE BELOW – NOW AVAILABLE TO ENTER (Main ring below with ring 2 to follow)
Kindly Sponsored by Allen & Page.
Final Chance to qualify
Veteran Horse Society – QUALIFIER 2018.
Each VHS Affiliated Show in Scotland now holds a PRE-QUAL Supreme Final qualification
Classes on this day hold a special ‘Wild Card’ – top four in each Championship to qualify for Pre Quals.
Open to members and non-members. However, only Members may go forward to the Championship of the day. VHS Membership to be applied for no later than 1 week prior to this show, to avoid disappointment.
VHS Scottish Supreme (Pre-Judging) Final qualification. ONLY MEMBERS placed 1st -4th in each age category will go to the Veteran Championship of the Day. In all classes – if competitors placed1st or 2nd are not Members qualification will be given to 3rd & 4th providing they are Members. Qualification will not go lower than 4th place. If the Champion or Reserve has qualified then 2nd or 3rd reserve may take qualification.
- All competitors and grooms must adhere to VHS 2018 Rule Book in all circumstances, failure to do so may result in immediate disqualification.
- WILD CARD – Champion, Reserve, 2nd Reserve and 3rd Reserve from In-hand and Ridden Championships all qualify to Pre Quals,from In-hand and Ridden, all must have their showing card signed by the judge in the ring as proof of qualification.
- Mountain & Moorland. The highest placed Mountain and Moorland in each class will receive entry to the pre-judging of the Mountain & Moorland Supreme Final . Providing they are Members. This may-be carried down to 4th place. To be registered with a Breed Society and hold a current Breed Society passport.
- Young Rider Championship qualification. A Young Rider qualification will be awarded to the young rider of the Judge’s choice, entitling them to enter the Young Rider Championship Prior to the Supreme Final This award is given at the Judge’s discretion. Non Members to receive an orange card in each ridden age category.
- Pre entry – £12 per class
- Entry on the day – £15.00 per class